Sicily, land of the Normans, a land of sea and mountains, volcanoes, and green pastures. The land of my family.
A land of sun, but also of mud, that mud which made my journey difficult. Mud that, in some cases, literally stopped me. Seven days on my TITICI RELLI, carrying only the essentials, I crossed the coasts and the hinterland of this stunning island solo.

On my bike, I felt simultaneously in Ireland for its green coasts, in Cambodia for its muddy and bamboo-filled interior, in Africa for the climate and arid zones, and in Italy for the people and the food.
I covered a distance of 800 kilometers in seven days of pedaling, with an elevation gain of 12,000 meters, mostly tackling the inland areas. It was there that I witnessed the most beautiful landscapes, going from the coast to the pastures of Mount Etna Park, reaching out to touch the imposing Valley of the Temples in Agrigento. Modica, known as the city of a hundred churches, Syracuse, a city of Greek origin.
I saw the breathtaking white Scala dei Turchi. I savored the food and the hospitality of its inhabitants (thanks to those who decided to host me).

Once again, I did it my way… solo. They ask me, “Why do you travel alone?” Traveling alone is a journey of double value for me… you taste everything you encounter around you, but you have to face everything that is within you.
Find the courage to embark on this kind of experience… it will leave an indelible mark and unforgettable memories, and perhaps choose Italy as your first journey… it won’t disappoint you.